Monday 18 August 2008

And who was the guy wearing Adidas sneakers?

Mexico 1968 - Tommie Smith and John Carlos do the 'black power' salute at the podium. In this Olympics, we've only seen an angry Swedish fighting his personal cause.

So many things happening in the world, so many more who prefer to believe there's nothing to do...

I can stand musicals... long as they don't dance while singing. 

'Across the Universe' was actually pretty okay - the whole dancing in the movie is saved by the bloody-strawberry sequence. Beautiful. And very (berry) red.

Sunday 17 August 2008

The Centre of the Universe (galactic mail quote)

Although we only got to be in the same city for about one year you were in
the very centre of my universe...


(Since I tried and failed to locate that universe now, I have a new quantum physics theory: the universe does not expand... it hides.)

Passion. Reloaded.

Why oh why I only have love in me-head these days? Seriously, there are many other worries competing and I spend heaps of time organising finance-geek thoughts, gym sessions thoughts, re-visiting old friends thoughts... then lazy Sunday and I feel like writing on how when you grow up love does as well.

It goes like this - I've been taking one step back in love matters since I started to spend time outside the matrix (and actually by listening to LuiZ on our oh-my-is-it-really-5am? talks).

So the breakthrough is that when you grow old, you don't throw yourself to a feeling with the confidence of when you were 15. Love is dubiously forever. Maybe I'll just try to make this one work. And then you decide which battles to win. All of a sudden you are actually in A relationship again. Call me when you get home. The passion is there, reloaded with cynicism. And so is hope, and good faith. Amazingly enough, the shape of love is of a more permanent nature. It might not make you believe in fairy tales; it makes you believe in you as being lovable - and rather awesome too!

One year ago I was addicted to the rush of falling. The love-orphine has turned now into something that provokes more smiles - the joy of being loved exactly for what you didn't know you were.

Saturday 16 August 2008

Private Perfection

Precisely because I am generally (and not particularly) in love, I think about love. And humanity. Nothing philosophical to brag about-my thoughts are always random, pretty much like hitting the improbability drive before the morning coffee. So if I give my heart to you/I must be sure from the very start/that you would love me more than her...

Well, here's my two cents: what we love about someone is his/her humanity. I do not talk about infatuation or self-marketing, I talk about this kinda feeling that makes you find a comfort zone that you wouldn't abandon. It goes like this: the most painful break-ups are those where your 'checklist' was bigger -for guys the 'bigger' sometimes starts with 'boobs'-. What I mean is that sometimes you find someone 'perfect' for you, not for the universe. His smile, her free-time, his family, her hobbies, his head for foreign languages... And then your 'awesome' list grows and grows without you noticing that you are even starting to love what you cannot stand in anyone else.

Loving the other's humanity is aching with the possibility of not having his/her imperfections around anymore. That's how I found out how hopeless in love I was with a friend. It takes two seconds: in one you realise you are afraid to lose him; during the second you get truly annoyed to figure out life without that hysterical bundle of feelings won't feel the same.

So that's how love starts: with a mix of fear and annoyance. Oh what a night...

Saturday 2 August 2008

I want a movie and I want it now

The Empire Strikes Back

Directed by Irvin Kershner


Ultra-Condensed by Keith Reilly

I have to go to Dagobah.
You have to use the force.
I have to go to Cloud City.
Darth Vader
You have to go to the dark side.
No I don't.
Darth Vader
I'm your father.
No you're not.
Darth Vader
Fine, I'll cut off your hand.